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Inventory Services

An inventory is one of the most important documents for any tenancy. If tenants and landlords can’t agree deposit deductions, you then enter dispute resolution process, and the adjudicator will use evidence like the inventory & checkout reports to compare the property condition at the beginning and end of the tenancy.

We recommend that the inventory should be carried out by an independent inventory specialist. This guarantees a first-rate service and using one could help if there is a dispute at the end of the tenancy. Reports carried out by parties involved, may be considered bias and NOT stand up in the court of law.

Using industry leading software, we are able to produce descriptive easily read inventory reports with digital photos on properties from standard residential properties to large stately homes. 


We undertake a full Inventory inspection itemising all the fixtures, fittings, and condition & cleanliness of the property at that time including any furniture, if applicable. A brief overview is provided in the schedule of condition.

For ease of use, a separate summary report, highlighting any maintenance, damage and cleaning issues etc… including taking meter readings, recording keys and testing all smoke alarms and CO2 detectors, is also provided


If required, we can arrange to meet the tenant at the rental property, go through the inventory report with them and obtain their signature digitally, taking meter readings, record key’s and test the smoke alarms and Co2 detectors with them present.


We visit the rental property at the end of the tenancy, the property is inspected throughout, and a note is made of any differences between the present condition of the property and that described on the inventory report.

The Check-Out Report is compiled and as with the inventory a detailed report of the property along with a summary report highlighting any damage, maintenance, cleaning issues etc.

Get in touch today to book your inventory or checkout and protect your property from any costly disputes.


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