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Legionella Risk Assessment

Legionella is hazardous bacteria that can be found in water. In a residential property, Legionella can grow in water stored at temperatures between 20°C and 45°C degrees. If ingested or inhaled, water containing Legionella will lead to Legionnaires’ disease or legionellosis – an infectious and sometimes fatal form of pneumonia.

If you are an employer, or someone in control of premises, including landlords you need to be aware of the risks that legionella poses.

Conditions and contributing factors to legionella bacteria growth include:

  • Temperatures between 20°C and 45°C degrees
  • Water containing nutrients
  • Presence of biofilm on the surface of water
  • Inadequate management including training and awareness

Get in touch today to book your legionella risk assessment and reduce the likelihood of spreading the legionella bacteria.


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